Tuesday, November 23, 2010

We made it to Thanksgiving Break!

Hooray!  It's Thanksgiving Break, which means a much needed week off school for both teachers and students!  Can you believe it's already this time of year?  This means only 3 more weeks of school until Christmas break!  Wow, time flies!

We've been extremely busy in class, which is probably why it seems to have flown by so quickly.  Last week the students' digital Native American project was due.  I am spending a large portion of the Thanksgiving break working hard at getting them all graded.  So far, it looks like the students have really gotten a better understanding of how to research and use proper documentation.  I think the Webquest project from last six weeks really helped to prepare them.  I am always glad to see progress in their work and learning.

When we return from the break we will wrap up our unit on Native Americans and Early Exploration of Texas, and be testing on Chapters 4 and 5.  After the test we will spend the remainder of the semester going over test taking strategies and reviewing for the students' mid-term exam.   Then we'll be ready for a new semester and new material....after a well deserved Christmas break that is.  

Go Cubs!

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