Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Texas Web Quests and Rock Stars

Last week we began planning a digital trip across Texas!  Each student has been researching and analyzing  the four regions of Texas and planning an interactive vacation.  The students are to "visit" each region twice,  and create a digital scrapbook of their journey using the Powerpoint program.  We will be working on our project in the computer lab through October 7th.  The project is due on Friday, October 8th.  Detailed instructions can be found on my website at Please take the Texas Webquest, Webquest Resources, and Texas Webquest Rubric links on the left hand side for more information.

The kids seem to be enjoying the project and researching on the internet.  They are also technology wiz-kids when it comes to Powerpoint.  I am amazed at how tech-savy they all are.  Many of the students are incorporating custom transitions, sounds, and animations.  I can't wait to see the finished products!

On Tuesday of this week our wonderful principal, Ms. Arterburn, dressed up as a rock star for a day to celebrate the incredible earning from the school book fair.  The book fair raised over $4,600 dollars.  Way to go FSMS!  Below are pictures of our "rockin" principal.

Go Cubs!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wrapping up the first six weeks

We officially began our Geography unit in Social Studies last week.  The students learned the countries of South America and the 50 states of the U.S.A.  Both of the major grades for the 6 weeks are the map test grades.

This week we are finally venturing to the 4 regions of Texas and exploring our states geography.  Tomorrow I will introduce the Texas Webquest to the students.  We will take a digital and interactive journey through our great state, exploring and visiting interesting places in all four regions.  We will be working in the computer labs on this project through October the 8th.  The students will complete their project in class, and work towards creating a digital scrapbook of their journey.  It should be a lot of fun.  The project details and rubric for both my Pre A.P. and General Education classes are provided on my web calendar.  The students will also receive packets this week with detailed instructions.

This Friday is the last day of the six weeks.  Be sure that you have turned in all of your absent and late work to your teachers.  Grades must be finalized by Friday afternoon.  Friday morning is the last chance for tutoring or make up tests.  

Have a great week & Go Cubs!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Homecoming 2010

This past week was Midlothian's homecoming, so of course it was an exciting time at FSMS.  Each day was themed as a different spirit day.  Monday was Labor Day, so we began our school week on Tuesday, which was Twin Day.  Wednesday was Western Day, and Thursday was Jersey Day.  Friday was Homecoming so it was Midlothian Panther/Cub Spirit Day!  We had a parade through the hallways at the beginning of the day.  I love getting to see my students so excited and involved.  It is wonderful getting to see the kids different talents.  The drum line played as the cheerleaders and Cub Dancers danced and cheered behind them.  

All day students were pumped up about the parade and game that evening.  My hometown is Midlothian, so I too am a proud Cub/Panther.  I couldn't help but share in the kids' excitement.  There were jingles and jangles all day from the kids' mums and garters in the hallways.  Some of the girls had mums as tall as they were.  They were all so cute.  I love the school spirit!

Last week the Lady Cubs played their first volleyball games.  I was very proud of the girls for playing such a hard game and giving a great fight.  We will get them next time!

Get ready this week for the first Cub football games of the year.  It will be Monday night.  I know we will do great.

Progress reports went out on Tuesday, which means only three weeks left this six weeks.  We will begin our geography unit this week and have our first test/major grade in Social Studies.  Be sure to check Powerschool for updated grades on Friday. 

Go Cubs!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Effort, Choices, & Influences

This year in 7th grade social studies, we have decided, as a department, to spend the first few weeks of school on a Building Skills for Success unit.  We have been discussing goals, life influences, leadership, personal accountability and choices.  Not only have I enjoyed all of the wonderful discussion this unit has brought into our classroom, but it has helped each class get to know each other better.  This week has served as a wonderful introduction to how we will be using our interactive notebooks throughout the year.  Today I gave the first open note quiz, and hopefully the students saw the importance of good note taking skills.

This week, the students also received their first few grades for the six weeks.  I gave a grade for the setup of the interactive notebook as well as a planner check, and the students also received a daily grade for their quiz today.  

This six weeks is actually only a five week period (since we are ending our semester before Christmas this year) so progress reports will go out Tuesday.  Parents, remember to check and sign your child's planner where each teacher has posted their grades.

Remember, if you haven't turned in textbook review forms yet to get them in by Tuesday.  Thanks to FSMS for another wonderful week. Everyone have a wonderful and safe Labor Day weekend! Go Cubs!